The Exit Podcast: Tactical Acquisitions and the Importance of Scaling Fast with Tony Westfall

Exit Strategies Group M&A Advisor Tony Westfall recently was hosted on Flippa’s “The Exit Podcast” where he shared his insights on growth acquisitions and the importance of scaling quickly.

Tony stated,  “I started my career as a big company corporate guy and then transitioned to being an entrepreneur.  I always knew that I really wanted to be involved in deal making though.  Even as an entrepreneur, my favorite activities were always acquiring other businesses.  When the Flippa podcast reached out to me to get my insights on exits from the perspective of an operator and an advisor, I was happy to oblige.  I think the best advisors are those who have been there before.  I made plenty of mistakes in my time as an entrepreneur, but I feel like those experiences are what help me and my colleagues come up with out-of-the-box solutions that enable us to maximize outcomes for our clients who are often doing the largest deal of their lives in the things they have spent a lifetime building.  Flippa caters to start-up communities, but of course, many of those lessons are applicable across the spectrum of companies.”

Listen to the podcast here.

For further information on this subject or to discuss a potential business sale, merger or acquisition need, confidentially, contact Al Statz at 707-781-8580 or